Raspberry Pi Manual

How to Install on Raspberry Pi :

  1. Upload the AppImage to your Pi

  2. Make it Executable Right-click File -> Properties -> Permissions -> Set Execute to anyone

  3. Double-click it and select execute

  4. Open http://localhost:3000/output in your Browser

  5. Allow Sound in the Website settings. Click on the I left of the Address -> Site settings -> Go to Sound and change it to allow

  6. You are ready to go

You can now open http://ip-of-your-pi:3000/ and control it from any Device in the same network as your Pi

How to updated manually


  • Raspberry Pi with SSH enabled

  • Terminal application on your computer

  • PlayoutBee AppImage in /home/bee directory

SSH Connection Instructions

Windows Users

  1. Download and install PuTTY from https://putty.org

  2. Open PuTTY

  3. Enter your Pi's IP address in the "Host Name" field or playoutbee

  4. Default port is 22

  5. Click "Open"

  6. Log in with username (default: bee) and password bytehive

Mac/Linux Users

  1. Open Terminal

  2. Connect using:

ssh bee@playoutbee

Finding Your Pi's IP Address

hostname -I

Updating the Launch Script

  1. Navigate to bee directory:

cd /home/bee
  1. Open the launch script:

sudo nano launch_playoutbee.sh
  1. Delete current contents (Ctrl + K)

  2. Add new content:

export DISPLAY=:0
cd /home/bee
  1. Save:

    • Ctrl + X

    • Y

    • Enter

  2. Set permissions:

sudo chmod +x launch_playoutbee.sh
sudo chmod +x PlayoutBee-2.1.0-armv7l.AppImage




Check permissions:

ls -l /home/bee/launch_playoutbee.sh
ls -l /home/bee/PlayoutBee-2.1.0-armv7l.AppImage

Last updated